This is the central website home of  moi, Joyce S. Kaye, and includes my blog “You, Me, and Spirit.”

Travel with me on my journey with Spirit… I’ve been writing and publishing a monthly newsletter for 10+ years. I wrote  the You, Me, and Spirit blog every day for 598 days during the years 2008 – 2010; in that lifetime, I was married and a small business entrepreneur with my-then husband. On January 1, 2022, I started blogging again on a daily basis. No, it  wasn’t  because of a new year’s resolution,  but because I missed it as part of my spiritual practice. As you can imagine, my life has changed a lot since I first started that practice back in 2008.

The Computer Spirit
After I worked in the corporate world in New York City for two decades, I earned  my MSW degree from Fordham University and departed for the Southwest.  Soon thereafter, I ventured back into the business world,  and formally became known as The Computer Therapist, first in Santa Fe, NM and then, the Greater Phoenix area. Some folks thought I provided therapy to computers—what I did was prevent folks from throwing their computers out the window! After several years, I ‘evolved’ into The Computer Spirit and moved to the beautiful Red Rock Country of Sedona, AZ.

As a spiritual being having a spiritual experience in a human suit, in my business I have used my computer and business skills alongside my people and coaching skills, gently guiding folks into the Information Age, letting them know they are not alone. I have endeavored to  inspire and coach folks to reflect their purpose and passion in business and marketing. In October 2015,  I relocated back to the Greater Phoenix area to do contract work in a mix of  roles, e.g., business analyst, technical writer, instructional designer, and trainer.

As of July 2021,  I am back in rural northern Arizona, residing in Prescott, AZ and working remotely as a technical writing consultant.

Websites and Coffee
These interactive, hands-on workshops were created to help empower folks to create and control their own WordPress Website.

You are not alone. Feel free to leave comments or contact me at [email protected]