Judging or Loving?
If you judge people, you have no time to love them.
– Mother Teresa
I just came across this quote online and it really hit me powerfully.
Judging others has been one of my major character defects. Sure, we can get into the psychological reasons for it, starting with my family of origin, but the ‘why’ of it isn’t really that important especially after reading this quote.
Love is such a wonderful feeling and, a direct connection to Spirit. Time is precious and how I waste it and deny myself and others the joy of loving them if I am judging them.
What I am interpreting Mother Teresa’s statement to mean is that judging and loving are opposites – I don‘t think I’ve looked at it that way before. So how do I want to spend my time? The answer is obvious: I want to extend love always, and leave my judgments behind. Remembering this quote will be a useful tool when I notice judgment creeping into to my head and it will serve to move me to my heart, to love – and God.
If you judge people, you have no time to love them.
Dear Spirit;
May I remember we are all children of God, all perfect, all deserving of giving and receiving love.
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