My Very First Request
This morning I was in my quiet time, thanking God for my life and for this day. Then I asked God for help, especially financial – that caught my attention. I changed it to faith – a feeling of certainty that Rog and I would be well, not just ‘okay,’ no matter what. That immediately got changed to peace – ah, peace beyond all understanding. Isn’t that what truly underlies faith? Or, perhaps it’s that peace gives rise to faith which then loops back into peace…
Well, it is surely not financial that comes first! Emmet Fox says “As long as there is fear, or resentment, or any trouble in your heart, that is to say, as long as you lack serenity, or peace, it is not possible for you to attain very much.” (The Sermon on the Mount – The Key to Success in Life, page 42)
So I’m asking for peace– that is my request. From there all flows with ease and grace. All is well.
Thank You.
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