Coffee Time
Thanks to this blog project, I’ve been spending time on the Web looking at a wealth of sites on things spiritual (sometimes religious too although that’s not of prime interest to me) that I hadn’t taken the time to before although I wanted to. I’ve also landed up signing up for e-newsletters. I am grateful this project is accomplishing what I had hoped it to.
In today’s Beliefnet’s daily inspiration, there was a link to a video by Martha Williamson, who you may recall was Executive Producer of the television show, “Touched By An Angel.” The following was included in one of the posted comments to that video:
Remember the small things in life, because someday you will realize that the BIG THINGS ARE THE LITTLE THINGS. [Posted by: Wayne Hulehan | January 6, 2009 10:25 AM]
I read this soon after my morning coffee time with Rog. During this daily ritual, our intention is to have our conversation focused solely on Spirit. We start off with an extemporaneous prayer, then share what’s happened in our spiritual life thus far that day. We may have been awake only 30 minutes, but have already been engaged with Spirit in new learning, meditation, inspirational reading, etc.
In this time not only do we get to be together, but we get to share our path, help one another sort things out, and in general, help foster both of ours spiritual growth. It is time so well spent.
When we have our afternoon coffee time, conversation is more about business and every day life. Still, we get to connect with one another, our love, and Spirit.
A coffee break may seem like a little thing to most people, but in my world, coffee time with Rog is always a BIG THING. And, I’m grateful that I won’t need to remember that – because I know it now.
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