We Are One
Spurred by news received in some personal emails and today’s entry in Science of Mind Daily Guide, I am reminded to see the face of God in everyone and everywhere.
I still have my logical streak in me, so here goes:
If God is all there is, then everything is one.
If we are one, then all that we encounter is part of the One.
Our neighbors, our children, our pets, our computers, our work, our gardening, our car accident, our refrigerator, our house, our drinking issue, our peace, our joy…
These are all part of the One and each of us owns them, for we are them and they are us.
There really is no separation, only Oneness.
We are all one. And, so we are all in this gig together. May I remember this so that I am always reaching out my hand and heart to my fellows, whether they are in pain or in joy. I’m reaching out to me too at the same time.
Let us share all of Life – together, as the One we truly are.
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