God’s Delivery
Last night I attended a service at The Little Chapel in Paradise Valley here in Arizona. Sara O’Meara and Yvonne Fedderson, the co-founders of Childhelp, officiate at this place of serenity where people of all faiths join together in worship and to receive healing.
During the healing portion of the service, Sara walked over to a woman sitting behind me, who I’ll call Janet. Sara had intuited that Janet believed that God had left her out of His healing grace. Sara stated that Janet had difficulty trusting God because of past experiences with people around the issue of trust. Sara reassured her that God had not left her out – she just needed to trust Him a bit more.
My heart resonated with what Sara was saying to Janet, and as Janet got teary-eyed, so did I. I did not grow up in a trusting environment and I can see how that could carry on into my conception of God, especially with the way things are in my life right now. I need to trust in God more, to have more faith.
The issue of physical vision came up for a number of people and it seemed that all of them were healed instantaneously. I know that my spiritual vision has been impaired, showing up in my attitude and affecting my relationships. God is The Source of all my good. I may not know what the channels of delivery are, but I must know and keep the spiritual vision that God wants me to have all the riches of His Kingdom. My job is to keep my mind and heart open to receiving and leave the ‘how’ up to Him.
Many who come to The Little Chapel are ostensibly seeking healing on the physical plane. As for me, I know I needed some spiritual cleansing and healing. And, I know that God delivered it through the channel of Sara and others who were gathered last night at TLC. I am grateful.
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