I’m Listening, God!
The last thing I did last night was to blog and, to my surprise, the topic turned out to be about St. Patrick, synchronicity, and forgiveness. [Such an array of topics…!] I ‘got’ that Spirit’s message was for continued work around forgiveness.
This morning, I opened my Daily Word and guess what the topic was: forgiveness! Okay, God, You’ve definitely got my attention. Is this about me forgiving myself more than it is about forgiving others? I look forward to further inquiry into the heart of this. Clearing blockages, whether within or with others, can only bring more joy and abundance into my life – I’m up for it!
“By forgiving, I’m not accepting or excusing the negative behavior of myself or others. I am offering us another chance to do better in our relationship. I let the love of Christ within me come forward, and I share this blessing with others. The love within my heart heals me as it flows out to others as words and acts of forgiveness.” – excerpt from Daily Word, March 18, 2009
I’m Listening, God! — No Comments
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