No Longer Alone
“Once you accept the existence of God – however you define Him, however you explain your relationship to Him – then you are caught forever with His presence in the center of all things.” – Morris West
When I came to believe in God, my entire philosophy about life and people changed (it had too!). From that followed changes in my relationships and the way I lived my life. The transformation was nothing less than phenomenal, miraculous. Not insignificant were feelings that now I was ‘a part of’, that finally I belonged to the human race, and I was no longer alone.
Before, when I was a devout atheist, single, living in the Big Apple, working a corporate job, I felt alone. I felt so alone that I thought I could drop dead and no one would know until perhaps after I hadn’t shown up for work for several days without advance notice. It was a sad and ugly feeling and not the way life is meant to be.
But then – through 12 Step program – I had Spirit in my life and I was no longer alone! It was a joy developing my relationship with Spirit and piecing together a new philosophy of the world and people. It continues to this day.
Since God is in the middle of everything, excitement abounds, possibilities are infinite, joy, love, and peace touch my life most frequently. I never have to go it alone as I seek God’s guidance, put one front in front of the other, trust God, and remain open. Not a small task at times, but it makes for a wondrous way of life.
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