The Freedom of Forgiveness
Today being Independence Day in the USA brings to mind freedom and the rights we have been given through the Bill of Rights, the name by which the first ten amendments to the U. S. Constitution are known.
The Bill of Rights grants us freedom of religion, speech and the press, assembly, the right to bear arms, protection from unreasonable search and seizure, etc.
But there is a freedom that is at least as important as those stated in the Bill of Rights, and I grant it to myself when I practice forgiveness.
When I hold resentment against anyone, I am binding myself to that person by a cosmic link, a real though mental chain. Until I cut that tie, I am a prisoner in bondage, and living a peaceful, loving, and joyous life is out of my reach.
Emmet Fox, in The Sermon on the Mount: The Key to Success in Life, states “The technique of forgiveness is simple enough, and not very difficult to manage when you understand how. The only thing that is essential is willingness to forgive” (page 173).
These days, thanks to a lot of 12 Step and other spiritual work, I find myself only occasionally, if not rarely, in the bondage of resentment. And when I do, I am willing to let go -with the help of God- and practice forgiveness. I set myself free (and the other person too). That is a freedom that extends far beyond any that could be bestowed upon me by a governmental decree.
Thank You, Spirit, for the various forms of freedoms I am blessed with by living in this country and living within Your Presence.
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