It’s been 246 days since I first started this blog back in November and I’ve been thinking that when I hit one year and 365 blogs, perhaps I’ll drop from daily writing to several times a week.
But then I started thinking about why I began this blog in the first place and how are those reasons holding up.
The strongest reason for starting it was to place myself in a regular daily practice of connecting to God by contemplative writing. Now, I’ve not always spent much time in contemplation before writing; sometimes I’ve written something just to meet my commitment for a daily entry. But what a gift this practice has been on those days when my other spiritual practices have gone by the wayside. No matter what, that daily commitment has been a spiritual anchor in my daily life, getting me to pause and focus on God.
Take today for instance. We got back from Tucson this afternoon, hot, dirty, and exhausted. I “threw” myself in the shower and went to bed for a nap at 230pm. Four hours later I was still napping, sleeping more blissfully than my usual night time manner, and I could have kept on sleeping. But, as I told Rog, I got up and out of bed because I needed to blog. So, after a light dinner, here I am.
In a day that held no routine at all and in which I did not make time to be in the silence, this commitment to blogging helped get me back on track. Sitting down at my laptop, glancing through some daily spiritual readings, and thinking about what I could write about my relationship to God, I feel closer to Spirit and more centered.
My original main reason for starting this blog clearly holds up. This spiritual blogging practice is a discipline that has worked well for me and continues to do so. One day at a time I’ll keep at it, remaining open to Spirit’s guidance.
And now, it’s off to dreamland once again!
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