Big Change Day
For the past several days I have felt that something big – in a positive way – was going to occur Wednesday. Well today is that day…
I had no idea of the date until I received an email last night which included article excerpts referring to “9-9-9”. Ah, yes: 09/09/09 – of course!
The email stated that “… the significance of the 9-9-9 is about the recoding and amplification of crystalline energy of both Earth and the human form.” And, it also said that “… this is not just a numerological curiosity in the Gregorian calendar, but that the date plays a profound objective role in the cosmic plan as we may understand this from the Mayan calendar directly leading up to the birth of a new world through the Ninth level, 9.9.9. … we thus have reasons to expect an unprecedented period of change in a very short period of time. ” [You can read more at: and]
I sensed it would be a big day, but I had no idea!
As we go through losing our home within the next week or so; figuring out what to place in storage, sell, donate, or keep near us; packing; trying to accumulate money and other resources to keep us going; and, finding a unique living situation that is rent-free and in a different part of the state, there is no doubt that Rog and my lives are about to change big time.
While I still don’t know that is going to happen today in my world, I’m grateful for being in a positive frame of mind, and for the signs and messages Spirit is sending my way…
Like the aforementioned information, reminding me that these are indeed exciting times and we’re not alone. Or, a quote found in one of my daily meditations books: “I am doing more and more for the last time and less and less for the first time.” – Andy Capp. Then there’s: “Who you are is beyond what you can imagine. Surrender all of the ideas of who you think you are, and allow us to show you directly the vastness of your being.” – The Voice for Love.
Also, some new paying business has flowed in since last night; Spirit has been introducing us to a plethora of wonderful, kind people; and, friends of ours, he a gourmet chef, invited us for dinner tonight at their home – I’m enthusiastic about being with these spiritual people on what is inevitably feeling like a day of celebration. Oh yes, we’ve got a lottery ticket for tonight’s big drawing.
Yep, it’s been a full day already, with more in store. I know that God has a Plan –even if I don’t know what it is. I simply want to keep remembering that God is my Source, The Source, of everything in my life and that everything is a blessing.
So, come on, Big Change, let’s see what you’ve got for us! With God, all is well.
Thank You, God!
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