Mind Versus Heart
“Don’t try to reach God with your understanding; that is impossible. Reach Him in love; that is possible.” – Carlo Carretto
When I was a devout atheist, I was trying to have the existence of God proven to me directly. But there wasn’t a way for my logical ability and understanding to show me that Spirit existed. Even studying the philosophy of religion in college and learning of the arguments for God’s existence made down through the ages only proved to me that God’s existence could not be proved in a scientific way.
When my mind let go of the notion for logical understanding of God and my heart opened up just a tiny bit (the size of a mustard seed) to a possible other way, I found the ‘proof’ I needed.
It wasn’t in the form of logic, understanding, or scientific evidence. It was from hearing about and witnessing the character rearrangements and what could only be deemed ‘miracles’ in those around me walking a spiritual path. My soul was touched and it could only be God behind all this. God had reached my fellow travelers through love, and God had reached me too.
With all my thinking, it was not possible for me to conceive of or reach God, but through my heart being flooded by Its love, it was a no-brainer.
Nice one! I love your writing!