Care of the Soul
“I used to think you had to be poor to be a genuine seeker of truth. Now I know that’s just not so. You can be a seeker of truth while looking through the windows of your own jet plane, or while enjoying a luxurious hotel suite.” – A famous actress quoted in Open Your Mind to Receive, by Catherine Ponder.
During an interview this same actress was asked, “How can you talk about spiritual values when you’re surrounded by so much beauty?” She replied, “Beauty and luxury are a part of God’s kingdom so why not have the best? The important thing is that you do not sell your soul for such blessings. Instead, it is through spiritual growth that these blessings can best come to you and permanently remain with you.” [Ibid, page 2.]
The important thing is that you do not sell your soul for such blessings.
There are too many people doing just that, selling their soul by working in a j-o-b strictly for the money. In the meanwhile, they do not enjoy the work, they are treated as machines rather than sentient beings, and they don’t have time to enjoy friends, family, themselves (!). – they are killing themselves on numerous levels (physically, mentally, spiritually). How can this be the way Spirit intended us spiritual beings to have a human experience? Surely this way fosters a shrinkage, not an expansion of energy, consciousness, love, peace, and joy. And, when the individual (micro-organism) is shrinking, inevitably the culture (macro-organism) is as well. It is no wonder the world, particularly the Western world, is in the shape it is these days.
I’m pretty much unemployable now for I will not sell my soul for an unsatisfying job just so that I can “earn” money to keep the house bills paid, food on the table, clothes on my back. I’m willing to do with less on the material plane if need be, in order to have more on the spiritual and emotional plane. Hence, I have my own business, and even whilst it is not currently very financially lucrative, it has afforded me prosperity and abundance in other ways.
Mostly, it has made my time my own to do what I want with. That means Rog and I can enjoy coffee vacations in the morning and afternoon, we can go for a hike in Sedona any day of the week we like, we can connect with friends, family, and clients often. I can spend time in meditation, and maybe even more than once a day! I am freer than I’ve ever been before. I am so grateful that my spirit has been willing to shed attachments and blockages that have kept me from this abundance of blessings.
My soul/spirit is my most precious being. By taking good care of it, by nourishing it, I am a better human being to my fellows and to be of service to God. Opening my mind, heart, and spirit to receiving, the results of prosperity show up are in accordance with my spiritual growth. Thank You, Spirit!
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