Dear God –
Thank You for Your many, many blessings. I know that You are my Source, my Supply for everything, everything, everything. And, I am soooo grateful.
I know that Your Supply comes through channels, but they always lead back to You, Source.
So many new channels have opened up recently for me. Via the Internet through such tools as Craigslist, Facebook, eBay, and email in general, I have newly met a wealth of wonderful people, rekindled former relationships, and strengthened present ones, business and social. When I go about the day and chores (like going into a food store, bank, or library), You have given me the opportunity to open up channels to more of You. And, attending various social and business meetings, I am exposed to even more of Your channels.
Thank You for Your channels, Your other children, through whom I am blessed with Your love, financial prosperity, and wealth of all kinds.
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