Guide Me
Dear Lord, guide me towards Your plan. – Marion Bond West
It’s been quite the roller coaster ride these past several days. We found a lovely home that needed work and the owner was open to us living rent-free while we get it back into shape. I was sort of in shock with the entire unfolding of the situation and in such a state of gratitude and faith that I kept repeating “Oh, my God”, “Oh, my God”, “Oh, my God.”
When we revisited the property and saw that it needed much too much work before we could even store our belongings there, I felt deflated. But soon I pulled myself up and stated “God just has something better for us.” We informed the owner that it was too much of a project to suit us and wished him good luck.
With time appearing to run out to move out of our current home because of an impending trustee sale that had been postponed twice before, we seriously started checking out sharing a house with someone. It would require less cash on our part, which has not yet manifested in sufficiently abundant amounts yet. We found a lovely woman with a lovely house – but we realized we really couldn’t live with someone else. With little money to rent our own place, I feel at a standstill, not knowing what to do. These days I guess you could say I’m feeling a little frustrated.
And the news today is:
I’ve found out that I’m to receive a gift check from some dear relatives. It’ll help us with our first month’s rent and other expenses.
The house trustee sale was postponed yet again, giving us some breathing space even though we need to get settled in our new community.
The owner of the house in need of repairs still seems to want us to consider living there and making renovations. He’s coming in from CA this weekend and it seems like he’s already got some plans to fix things – who knows if he’ll persuade us.
I feel like a yo-yo riding a roller coaster – what is God’s plan for me? I have a vanity license plate that reads GUIDE ME. I specifically chose it so that I could regularly be reminded of where I stand in relation to God. These days I guess you could say I’m feeling a little frustrated.
Dear Spirit – Please guide me towards Your plan about living quarters and keep me open to creative ideas, and patient with the time line. All happens in Your time. Thank You for delaying the trustee sale yet again, so that all the pieces can come together with ease and grace like a beautiful, finely woven tapestry.
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