Surrendering Once Again
This morning as I lay in bed, I started feeling anxious, which hasn’t happened in a while. It revolved around how I could start my new part-time position in Sedona on Monday when we haven’t a new place to call home yet. I was definitely experiencing a lack of faith and trust. How could God not provide a place for me to live when He so smoothly dropped this business opportunity into my lap?
So after sitting in the Silence (as best as possible), yet another morning reading focused on surrendering to God – think there’s a message here?!
“We wear ourselves out trying to control the uncontrollable, while God patiently waits to receive our burdens. All we need to do is hand them over: God’s presence is here, now.
“When we surrender all our concerns to God – both our failures and our successes – we begin to realize the breadth of God’s care and the constancy of God’s presence in our life. We have always been close to God, as close as our breath.
“Learning to acknowledge God as our protector and guide is exhilarating and eases our every step, thought, plan, and dream. We are learning that we can do nothing alone, but we can do anything if we just let God join us in partnership.
“I have God as my companion always. I’ll remember that today and be at ease.” – In God’s Care, October 30
Soon afterwards I had an email from a friend who lives a couple of towns over from Sedona offering me her place to stay short term if need be.
As Rog said this evening several times, miracles have been raining upon us. Sometimes I feel like it would be a miracle if I would surrender once and for all.
Dear Spirit;
Thank You for all the blessings and miracles you shower upon me even when I lose faith and attempt to control and figure things out. I acknowledge You as my Source, and, once again, I surrender.
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