It’s always wonderfully synchronistic to come upon a daily reading that is so apropos to my current situation. How do the publishers know what is going on in my life?!
I do believe that all dis-ease originates at the spiritual level and eventually manifests in the physical realm if not addressed. Still, sometimes I just need the physical plane to get my attention to draw me more strongly back to Spirit.
That said, Rog and I are both in need of physical healing. We have very good reason to be feeling the way we have been: we’ve been packing and moving boxes and furniture around for months now for our relocation adventure, and we are not athletic spring chickens. So we’re working on taking care of our physical bodies by resting, slowing down, rehydrating, etc. And, of course, we’re working with Spirit, our Source of all.
Here’s the message from Today’s Daily Word – Saturday, November 21, 2009, who knew so well what I would be going through whenever it was written. It’s comforting to know I’m not alone…
I am healed in body, mind and soul.Healing comes in many forms and in many ways. Some wounds heal quickly and visibly, like the physical healing of a scratch or a burn. Other wounds may take more time to heal. A broken heart, a troubled life or a dampened spirit requires a greater depth of healing–healing of my body, mind and soul.
Every need for healing is an invitation to turn within to God for guidance and direction. As I enter into the silence to meditate and pray, I connect with the Source of both my physical and spiritual healing. I am guided to the ways of strength and wholeness. I receive the most vital and lasting form of health: the healing of my soul.
For I will restore health to you, and your wounds I will heal. – Jeremiah 30:17
Thank You, Spirit, for your healing presence at all levels and for your patience and love in meeting me wherever I’m at. Thank You for healing my body and my soul most of all.
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