Converting Energy
I was surprised to read Dr. Norman Vincent Peale talking about energy. He writes:
“You can actually make worry work for you. If worry attacks you, you may as well make use of it. Instead of letting worry be destructive turn it into a constructive use. Worry is an energy, a form of energy. When you worry you are using energy destructively. When you are practicing faith you are using energy constructively. So make worry work for you. Make it work for you by letting it make you think straight.”
– Set Worry Straight, with Faith
Dr. Peale says that when we worry our mind is thrown off balance. It is hot and it needs to be cool so we can use the power that God gave us.
I know that worry and faith cannot coexist and I opt to be in faith and not in fear.
Dear Spirit –
When I fall into fear and worry, please give me the comfort of Your presence and the confidence to trust You. May I convert negative energy into positive energy to help me live in this world of illusion, knowing that Your goodness, love, and abundance are always with me regardless of appearances. Please calm my mind, bring peace to my heart, and strengthen my spirit so that I may live in joy. Show me Your way and help me to follow it. So it is. Thank You.
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