Divine Plan
Daily Thoughts from Daily Guideposts Devotional January 4, 2010
A Time to Think
Let us move into the New Year with a great sense of the thrill of living. – Dr. Norman Vincent Peale
To Act
Trust that there is a divine plan.
To Pray
Lord, help me see through eyes that glimpse visions of Your plan for me. Then give me the courage to act.
I believe in the concept of a divine plan and I know I have a life purpose but haven’t been clear about it. Due to this unknowing and other reasons, I’ve not been all that thrilled with life here on planet Earth. With the divine spark within fanned, I feel an enthusiasm for life that hasn’t been with me for quite some time. And, I feel that my life purpose will be made quite clear to me this year.
I trust that there is a divine plan and I pray with confidence that it be revealed to me in the near future. I eagerly look forward to acting on that plan, and if it turns out to be something pretty far out and perhaps a bit scary, I pray to follow God’s guidance and have the courage to act.
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