A Different Day
“Mining the moment for something that feels good, something to appreciate, something to savor, something to take in, that’s what your moments are about. They’re not about justifying your existence. It’s justified. You exist. It’s not about proving your worthiness. It’s done. You’re worthy. It’s not about achieving success. You never get it done. It’s about “How much can this moment deliver to me?”” – Abraham, Excerpted from the 04.20.02 San Antonio, TX workshop #391
Today I decided to work at home and not schedule any client appointments so that I could focus on the client work awaiting me here in my office.
OK, I’m not setting the alarm clock. It’s a chance to catch up on sleep because usually 7 days/week I’ve got outside commitments commencing at 8 AM.
Ohhh, that means my morning practice is going to be off schedule. Oh well, I can at least squeeze some spiritually-focused reading in…
What a chance to have a sit down hot, homemade pancake breakfast with Rog we never break bread in the morning these days. The clock is ticking…
Ah, a good day for a short photo-op for my upcoming e-newsletter. It won’t take much time…
And, I need to research where to get our haircuts. Now’s as good a time as any.
Great article here about prayer – let me read it now…
Time for some lunch… I’ll eat at my desk to play catch up with time.
And, on and on and on.
In the past I would have engaged in self-flagellation for not doing the work I had planned to accomplish. These days, not so. I am present and enjoying what I am doing. I’m enjoying the moments that I’m stringing along that comprise this first day of April in 2010. And it’s actually been “productive”! So what’s the issue? It’s just a different type of day unfolding because I’m letting it do so with Spirit’s help.
I am not here to treat myself harshly, nor am I here to push, push, push. I’m not here to prove or justify myself. I am here to rest in the joy, love, and peace of God’s embrace.
It’s one day at a time with Spirit by my side. Whatever I am doing, all is perfect, all is in Divine Order. So why get bent out of shape because I didn’t follow my calendar or ‘to-do’ list? I am exactly where I am supposed to be and all is well.
Thank You, Spirit, for Your Wisdom making its way through to me, along with Your Peace, Love, and Joy.
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