Where Am I?
My readings this morning remind me of several fundamentals…
God is always with me, always guiding me. No matter the situation, there is a choice that reveals the highest and best in me. If I listen, Spirit’s guidance will be made known.
There are many ways for the guidance to come through: lyrics from a song, conversation with a person, or an excerpt from something I’m reading. Of course, there’s the powerful inner knowing that needs no explanation. And, my favorite: Synchronicity, the experience of two or more events that are apparently causally unrelated occurring together in a meaningful manner. [Translation: There is no such things as coincidence.]
And, if I don’t hear the Guidance or I misinterpret it, and I do not make the choice that brings out the highest and best in me, that means I’ve lost conscious contact with Spirit. But it doesn’t mean that God is not with me.
Then I remember to take an inventory, to look at my thoughts and behaviors that have contributed to my not choosing rightly. I connect with God to reveal my shortcomings, and I then I choose once again.
God’s love, patience, wisdom, and peace are always, always, with me. I remain alert and ready, prepared to receive God’s guidance and God’s abundance. It’s always there – where am I?
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