Morning Spiritual Exercise
“Our spiritual health is our responsibility and it’s an easy one to handle. The only requirement is that we offer love and goodwill to others.”
– “In God’s Care: Daily Meditations on Spirituality in Recovery,” January 17
Personally, my spiritual health requires more than offering love and goodwill to others. In fact, without my somewhat lengthy spiritual exercise routine in the morning, as well as throughout my awake time, I would find it challenging to be loving and kind to others. My soul needs to be nourished first.
My morning meditation time is a cozy and peaceful time intended solely to be alone with Spirit without distractions. That’s not to say I’m not distracted as I often am, but the fact that I’m setting that time aside I believe is truly important to my relationship with Spirit. And, the silence brings peace to me.
My morning activities then move on to some Naam Yoga and other movements, all the while listening to or chanting along with music written by Dr. Joseph Michael Levry, whose universal message combines the spiritual healing traditions of the East and West.
After preparing my meal while listening to music (my soul thrives with music), I sit down to bless my breakfast food, pray for others, and express my gratitude. As I eat in silence and alone, I read various short pieces of spiritual literature, and follow that by journaling.
The aforementioned is just for the morning, to set me right inwardly so that I can enter the outer world of people, my job, etc. I guess you might label me ‘high maintenance’ but this morning spiritual exercise routine uplifts me and makes a positive difference. When I do leave my personal sanctuary, I am able to more readily and easily offer love and good will to those I interact with throughout the day’s journey. It blesses us all, I’m sure!
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