The Divine in You
I have studied Science of Mind before, but getting back into it again since moving to Prescott and attending the local Center for Spiritual Living, has been transformational. It seems to be penetrating my soul more than any New Thought philosophy has before, and at a deeper level. Perhaps my soul is better prepared and receptive to it than before. Of course, no explanation is really needed. I am simply delighted and grateful!
I am embracing and incorporating into my life and actions the principles I am learning even though this is not the first time I’ve heard of them. I’m reading literature daily and, between it, and attending the Sunday service and classes, the philosophy is permeating my being. Principles are coming to mind when situations arise, and I need guidance.
It was synchronistic that I had a work meeting coming up in an hour but had not yet read my morning daily meditations/guides because of an early start time today. I thought it a perfect time to pause and read. I’m in a new job and I was nervous and fearful about the upcoming meeting, concerned that my colleague (I’ll call him Steve) would think I was an idiot, incompetent, etc. I figured that communing with God, the All Powerful, could only help me and it wouldn’t take that long since I was on the job. Reaching my third daily reading, I was bolstered by its focus on seeing the Divine Presence in everyone.
In part, from today’s “365 Science of Mind: A Year of Daily Wisdom from Ernest Holmes”:
“The best way to make friends is to realize that we meet Life in everyone. The God in us meets the God in others… Our faith in the Divine Presence in others will overcome the fear of being misunderstood or hurt.”
This so reminded me of the concept of namasté, the Divine in me sees and honors the Divine in you. This passage was guiding me to view the man I was to meet with as another child of God, that he had Spirit in him just as I did, and hence we were connected, One, and equal. I relaxed.
“Confidence and love can cast out fear. The person without fear is the only truly whole person… Let us decide to live in faith…To find peace in the midst of confusion, we must realize our center in pure Spirit… we should continuously unite our thought with the Divine Mind.
“The unerring judgement of Divine Intelligence directs my way.”
I needed to forget my ego, which was producing my fear, and step into the shoes of pure Spirit. Spirit would direct my way.
I had my meeting, confident that I was not meeting with the enemy, but another spiritual being who was my equal. I was calm as I walked through my questions, and Steve was generous in sharing his knowledge as well as assuring me I was not the only confused person. I was so grateful.
My remembering today to consult Spirit and apply Its guidance, to see others as part of the One no matter the scenario was a wonderful demonstration and experience. Thank You, Spirit!
May I remember to see the Divine in all whom I meet throughout my day.
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