Constant is Spirit
“Today I directly experience the reality of Spirit, allowing It to renew my mind, guide my decisions, and direct my affairs. I know that in the eternal act of creation, everything passes from the Invisible to the visible to be temporarily experienced.”
— “365 Science of Mind: A Year of Daily Wisdom from Ernest Holmes,” February 20
Each life is temporary, each of us here for a limited amount of time, and then we shed our body and go back to pure Spirit—until the next go around if that is what is necessary for our spiritual evolution.
While I am here in this body, I strive to stay in the present moment and savor it. People will come and go, jobs, possessions, and everything else in this material world. What I have as a constant is Spirit, the Invisible, within me always, wherever my journey takes me. Spirt as Love, Spirit as Wholeness, Spirit as Freedom, and so much more, all of the Invisible.
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