We Cannot Stand Still
“Our activity of thought is actually a Divine compulsion of the One Mind in us seeking an ever-increasing achievement and expression through us.
“All these desires are urges of the indwelling Intelligence, and we either can combat the urges we feel or we can give them expression. The choice is ours to make. But we cannot stand still. We have to continue to express this action of Life within us because creativity is our Divine Essence.”
– “365 Science of Mind: A Year of Daily Wisdom from Ernest Holmes,” April 17
What struck me in the above was “…we cannot stand still.” I’ve had times in my life where I had little desire, little urge to do anything more than practice my morning sabbath, work my job, prepare and eat my meals, go to sleep, and then repeat the routine the next day. Not much meaning or purpose in my life, no rutter steering me, no current pushing me except to get up each day and put one foot in front of the other. As long as I have hope, I can do that.
This lack of an urge was especially true as the COVID lockdown went on for months and months, and I was isolated living alone, working remotely, with little contact with breathing beings. It sure felt like I was standing still.
I know others felt similarly and yet the lockdown was also an opportunity for folks not accustomed to going within, to do so, explore new areas, exercise their creativity. We each handle situations differently, and not having much interaction and emotional support makes a big difference for me to be in joy and to move forward.
I’m grateful my Life force strengthened, my Divine spark was fanned, and I started looking forward to some personal projects in which I got to express my artistic creativity. As noted recently, with the world, and my world opening up, I am enthusiastic about Life once again. I cherish my time alone—I always have—but I am also a people-person and my soul needs to be with others too. When we gather together, the connection to the One that we are all a part of is nourishment and soothing balm for one’s spirit.
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