The Intelligence Within Me
“I know there is but One Power in the universe and that Power is God. That Power manifests in and through all form, all people, all conditions and so is at the very center of my being.
“The Intelligence within me is constantly guiding me.”
– “365 Science of Mind: A Year of Daily Wisdom from Ernest Holmes,” May 8
The license plate on my car is GUIDEME. I appreciate the regular reminder when I am out and about in my 2003 Camry; she is named Espiritu, another reminder for me of Spirit’s presence in my life.
When I think about it, I can see that the Intelligence within me is truly constantly guiding me. Of course, I need to stay attuned, and I find that I am more and more. When a situation or individual makes me feel uncomfortable, I know I need to pay attention. I might need to pause in order to grasp the full meaning and before I know what to do, what path to go down. But the answer, the guidance is there. Same as with when a situation or person feels easy and comfortable.
It’s interesting, and perhaps synchronistic, that today’s topic about following the guidance inherent within each and every one of us, is similar to yesterdays’ blog post, My Heart’s Wisdom. One may call it the Intelligence within, heart wisdom, intuition, or a variety of other terms. It’s all the same: Spirit guiding us as we walk through all of Life. We are not alone.
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