Closer to Us Than Our Very Breath
Lazy day… I slept a whopping 11 hours! I allowed myself that gift since I’ve got a 3-day weekend away from my job and it’s my time.
And even though I didn’t sit down for my morning sabbath until after 12 Noon, Spirit was with me anyway, of course. It didn’t matter the time nor place.
“We must come to realize that God is not in some far-off place, but instead that God is an inward, intimate Presence closer to us than our very breath. God is not nor can ever be separated from us, but too often we separate ourselves from God.”
– “365 Science of Mind: A Year of Daily Wisdom from Ernest Holmes,” May 29
I find myself in awe simply contemplating the very concept that Spirit is closer to us than our very breath. That’s pretty close, very intimate. It’s more intimate than I could ever be with any being. And, it’s reassuring, allowing me to feel I am not alone in this physical world.
Spirit is always with me, and that is true for you as well. We don’t have to walk this journey solo—in fact, we can’t since the Divine is closer to us than our very breath!
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