Change Your Thoughts
“One comes, finally, to believe whatever one repeats to one’s self, whether the statement is true or false.” – Napoleon Hill Repetition of thought is essential for changing one’s life, and I choose to have life-affirming statements running through my monkey mind. This includes how I speak to myself when I err. I learned years ago to speak kindly and gently with myself when I goofed something up. Instead of using a figurative baseball bat, I could use a wet noodle 😊 My self-talk includes ever so lovingly saying, “Honey, it’s okay…” It sure is a lot healthier speaking to myself that way than badgering myself with how badly I messed up and what a bad person I am. Besides, I cannot change the past. My thought, combined with energy, i.e., emotion, is very powerful and long-lasting. I choose the loving way. I am vigilant about keeping my thoughts centered on positive truth statements. God is Good and only wants the very best for me; then why should I think anything less for myself? Peace, love, joy, optimum health, prosperity, love, and more, are mine; they are Life. I can’t be thinking negatively when Life is forward movement. There are … Continue reading →