Inner Peace
“I am at peace when my heart and mind are on God.” – Today’s Daily Word, March 22, 2010
Yes, indeed. Ya know the only place I want to be is with God. Of course, I am always with God, and God with me – it cannot be any other way. But I’m not always focused on God. And when my heart and mind are not on God, life is often tough and I do not feel at peace.
It’s like there is this veil, sometimes thick, sometimes thin. I’m on one side, sometimes fairly awake, many times asleep, and God is always on the other side, fully present. I endeavor to get that veil as thin as possible through prayer, affirmation, meditation, sitting in the silence, etc.
I endeavor to keep my heart and mind staid on Thee. There I am in bliss, joy, and peace.
I enjoyed this post. The title caught my eye and based on what you have said, I think we have many ideas in common. The Daily Word is part of every day for me and practicing meditative prayer to "raise the veil" is my morning routine. If we do go within and we do focus on finding that inner peace, it is the first step in healing the planet. I believe that because there are many more people practicing inner peace, every day we are one day closer to world peace. In fact that is a common affirmation in my mediation; I see the world as a peaceful place, all world leaders working toward a harmonious existence. I just wrote a post called “Peace” and would love your feedback. Namaste, Sherry
Daily Spiritual Tools