The Time has Come—Again
Well, is seems the time has come—again—for me to be blogging, to be sharing my life in this way at a minimum. It is my hope that writing about Spirit and sharing my thoughts with others will help us all feel connected to one another and Spirit. We already are connected to one another and in one God, but as human beings we— I— can easily forget that.
It’s been more than a decade since I wrote every day for 598 days during the years 2008–2010. Truly a lifetime ago, if not several!
My tagline personally has been “You are not alone,” embraced once I started to believe in a power greater than myself, the result of joining a 12 Step program for eating disorders three decades ago (how can it be that long?!). When I became a sole entrepreneur, I used it as my business’ tagline, to convey to clients they were not alone in their computer technology problems. The motto is still relevant today, as it continues to remind me that I don’t have to live life alone as I had been so accustomed to doing, without many people in my life, but above all, without Spirit.
This being the first day of a new year, I picked up a different set of books to read for my daily spiritual practice during my morning sabbath.
I thought one of today’s readings was most apt and a great reminder for me. I’ll even throw in the word synchronistic (significant because that’s how I “came to believe”) since I’d been dabbling with the idea of returning to writing my You, Me, and Spirit blog for a while and had some concerns. What was the reading that propelled me onward to get back to the blogging table?
“…I am not alone. Spirit is here. In every step, in every breath, Spirit is with me.”
— “Everyday Joy, 365 days of ohmygod life,” by Z Egloff and Melissa Phillippe, January 1.
As we start a new year, may I remember, may you remember, we are not alone. We are connected to one another and Spirit is with us always!
Happy New Year!