Love Required
“Holding another in my heart requires love, not judgment.”
— Science of Mind Magazine, December 4, 2021
The aforementioned statement has stuck with me since I first read it last month. Good thing, since it is an affirmation I really need to “get.”
I’ve always been very analytical and adept at discernment. I think, for the most part, those attributes have been and are helpful to have in order to navigate through this thing called Life. Still, they have their place. I can get lost in my head analyzing a situation and not pay attention to my feelings or intuition. I’m grateful I’ve gotten more aware of the limitations of operating mostly from my head, and have made great progress in recognizing my heart.
Then we come to judgment. Ahh. Judgment is probably my biggest character defect, as in judging other people. In my thinking, I form an opinion of someone and/or their situation. But it doesn’t stop there. It carries energy into my heart, closing my heart instead of expanding it. Judgment encompasses not accepting the person for who they are or for where they are on their own unique path. It means my ego thinks it is right and perhaps even “better” than the other person. My judging makes it seem like I know better, know it all, implying that I think I know all that the person has gone through to get to their particular place. Judgment creates separation rather than promoting unity and oneness.
When I’m in judgment, I cannot be compassionate, show neutrality, be of service, be genuinely loving. It is not a helpful place to be, for myself nor for the other. Who wants to be around that?! Why would I, moi, want to do that to myself?! It surely is not joyous or uplifting, or full of light. I desire to be part of the solution, not part of the problem.
Being of service, being a true friend, being a good listener, being compassionate and empathetic cannot co-exist with being judgmental. Only love can. If I want to be a light unto the world, expressing love is a necessity. Judgment need not apply for the role of holding someone in my heart.
Today I choose being love, a gift to others as well as myself.
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