Resting in the the Peace and Presence of Spirit
“Most prayer is asking for something… God knows who we are…and what we need and want before we have even a thought of it. Why pray then?
“Because it keeps us in touch with our Maker. It reminds us who we are, children of God, under Divine protection.
“Asking keeps us in touch with the source of our power.”
– In God’s Care*: Daily Meditations on Spirituality in Recovery, February 1
*As We Understand God
The aforementioned is similar to another writing in the same book from only about a week or so ago. Despite it being so similar, I am not thinking that I am wasting my time in reading it. Repetition works for me especially when it comes to my relationship with Spirit. I constantly need to remember that Spirit exists—sometimes it can seem like I’m back in my atheist days!
As humans we can easily forget things, especially really important things that make a difference. I can get busy and sidetracked and land up feeling like an island unto myself. But Spirit is always around and always present—I just need to wake up and remember.
Asking Spirit for help keeps me from thinking I am alone in this thing called life. It enables me to forge and grow a connection between us, developing clearer lines of communication (intuition) and understanding for me.
So now, as I am about to make my way to Dreamland, before lights go out, I will write out my gratitude list and then drift off to sleep, resting in the peace and presence of Spirit.
Resting in the the Peace and Presence of Spirit — No Comments
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