All Things Can Be Mended
The following quote was read during today’s meditation at my spiritual center, and I thought it most apropos for these times:
“Do not be dismayed by the brokenness of the world. All things break. And all things can be mended. Not with time, as they say, but with intention. So go. Love intentionally, extravagantly, unconditionally. The broken world waits in darkness for the light that is you.” – L.R. Knost
There surely is so much brokenness evident in today’s world. On quite a major, visible scale, there is Putin viciously attacking Ukraine with no cause… COVID still in our midst… the increasing lack of reason and character in politics… the increasing cost of living and the supply chain still in chaos… powerful climate changes…
I can feel mighty discouraged; I am reading the news less and less to help fend off my dismay. I’m reading spiritual literature more to bolster my soul and attitude.
I will say that those of us on the planet during these times surely signed up for a wild time! I remind myself that love is our natural emotion, our natural state of being. And, there is a Power for Good that we can use to heal the brokenness.
I must be part of the solution, heal, love, and not contribute my own brokenness to the world’s energy. That can be challenging to say the least. I am grateful for my self-awareness. I ask Spirit to help heal me, heal my brokenness, thereby contributing bit-by-bit to the healing of this world. We each have our role to play. Just like peace is an inside job and begins with me, so it is true about healing. And, with the healing, comes a greater ability to express love to self and others.
I am can change. You can change. The world can change. How comforting to know “all things can be mended.” It requires mindfulness, intention, and that Power greater than all of us, Love.
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