Nothing is Ever Lost
“There is no loss. Nothing can be lost, misplaced nor forgotten.”
– Ernest Holmes, “The Science of Mind,” page 511
One day on the shores of the Hudson River, a metal detector hobbyist unearthed a gold and onyx ring in pristine condition. It turned out to be a class ring, from a local private school. He contacted the school, which determined the ring’s owner based on the class year and the initials engraved on it. They put him in touch with the alumna.
She was elated and surprised when she got the call with news of her ring. She thought the class ring she had lost 53 years earlier was gone forever. When she was 17 and swimming in the river, it had slipped off her finger. She and friends searched for hours to no avail.
This story reminds me that nothing is ever lost in the Universe. Everything is always in its perfect right place, even though it might not seem like it.
– Rev. Joanne McFadden
“Science of Mind Magazine,” April 28, 2022
… Just like me (and you too).
This excerpt also makes me think about the concept that matter can neither be created nor destroyed—it always exists, it is eternal, it just may take a different form.
I am eternal, and I am in the right place, right now. I am not lost; I am not supposed to be somewhere else. I am here in the present moment. I am here where Spirit is. Always.
How peaceful and uplifting such Truth is to me!
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