One Power
The theme of two of my morning readings overlapped once again. I am tickled when that occurs, for the Universe is providing me with a stronger message to contemplate. “Love… builds and builds. It can’t be stopped. There is nothing Love can’t fix and no problem it can’t solve.” – “Everyday Joy, 365 days of ohmygod life,” by Z Egloff and Melissa Phillippe, April 8 “Through spiritual discernment, we see that we have within us a power greater than anything we shall ever contact; a power that can overcome every obstacle in our experience and set us safe, satisfied and at peace, healed and prosperous in a new light and a new life.” – “The Science of Mind,” by Ernest Holmes, page 146 I can call this power spoken about by a host of names. God. The Divine. Great Mystery. Allah. Source. Elohim. Presence. Jehovah. Spirit. Buddha. Jesus. The One. The list is exhaustive really, and truly personal, something I didn’t know was “allowed” until I walked into the 12 Steps rooms decades ago and “came to believe.” Of course, there’s Love, the sweetest name of all. As one of my favorite New Thought singers and songwriters Daniel Nahmod says, … Continue reading →