There is Justice
“The Will of God for me is the will of a boundless life, flowing through me. It is the will of joy, of success, of happiness, of peace, of abundance… Nothing rewards or punishes me but the immutable law of cause and effect. There is no good that I cannot experience provided I first embody that good. “There is justice, knowledge, right guidance. “God is right where I am.” – “365 Science of Mind: A Year of Daily Wisdom from Ernest Holmes,” June 2 I found myself getting frustrated and angry at the “injustices” I experienced today… … Like being charged a $50 service fee by a discount airline ticketing company when the airline changed the departure time by 10 minutes, on an electronic ticket no less. I’m disputing the fee of course, but resent the time, effort, and hassle on my part. Or, take the company that offered free electronic income tax filing, including extending the due date. I submitted my data, but the thing is the extension was granted only until June 15 instead of October 19. I was told it supposedly couldn’t be changed, and now I find I cannot meet the June deadline, which I was … Continue reading →