There is Always a Solution
Yesterday I wrote about my 2+ hour tech support phone call with Hewlett Packard. After all that time, they said I should purchase a new printer since mine was four or so years of age, considered old (in these times). Heck, I purchased an HP 4L LaserJet printer in 1993, the first personal use laser printer to be marketed and it didn’t quit on me until 2014, and even then it simply needed some maintenance!
Anyway, the HP folks called purchasing a new printer a solution, although I didn’t see it that way. As far as I was concerned, we hadn’t exhausted all the possibilities to correct the problem, and I wanted to pursue a solution—all the way to the end, to its natural conclusion. My idea was based on a number of things, and if my proposed solution didn’t fix the problem, I would let it go and purchase a new computer. The HP supervisor finally agreed to try my idea, at their cost.
In some conversations with a friend since then, I got to thinking whether I had clung so tenaciously and sought solutions to issues so passionately in my personal relationships, especially my life companion ones.
- Had I tried as hard to pull out all the stops before letting go and saying there’s nothing more to be done, we’ve exhausted all avenues at solving our issues?
- Did I let some close, dear friends go out of my life without more of a ‘fight’? I thought I was respecting them and honoring their wishes.
- Did I just get too exhausted, disappointed, and dejected in my marriage, falling out of love so that I couldn’t keep striving for some new solution?
Amid looking for solutions to problems, albeit with technology or relationships—in fact, of any kind—I was taught years ago in 12 Step program that there is always a solution. We pick up our kit of spiritual tools, and look to Spirit. Perhaps I haven’t done that as often or consistently or in more situations. I appreciate the reminder from recent events and conversations. I am tickled that Spirit is all around me and Spirit is in me, as well as all around you, and in you too. We are all in this together, Spirit and the rest of us.
There is always a solution.
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