The Power of God
In the next chapter of the saga of the need to purchase and physically get a ladder into my house so that I can eventually install HVAC filters, I’ve been looking to Spirit for further guidance after being given a Spiritual Mind Treatment in the middle of the night recently.
I researched online what was available to meet my needs, including my budget, and was delighted to see that I could get a ladder delivered for what I thought was a very reasonable price. Fabulous news, problem would soon be easily resolved. Ha! I thought it best to see it in person before ordering, and today was the day to play adult and go to Home Depot.
I shopped for some smaller items, getting help from the plentiful and knowledgeable staff, leaving the ladder for last. When it was time for that, it was mighty difficult to get assistance. My research proved helpful, and I was able to decide which one to purchase. With not knowing if the ladder would fit into my Camry with the back seats down, I thought I’d check with customer service about paying for the item in store and arranging delivery as I had seen online. After a bit of time, it turned out that the young lady was a poor communicator, and the cheapest delivery fee would be $75—forget that!
It had been a full, joyous morning in class before I started running errands, and I began to unravel. With knowing so few people in my new home town, and not yet closely, how was I going to accomplish what I needed to?! My morning reading came to mind.
“The Law of Life operates through your affirmations. Nothing can hinder Its working but yourself. It is everywhere; therefore, It is where you are, and most of all, It responds where you recognize It.
“Faith is the supreme affirmation. It is the unconditional affirmation. It is the affirmation that makes all things possible to the one who believes in the Power of God. Knowing that nothing can hinder you but yourself. If you believe you can, you can.”
– “365 Science of Mind: A Year of Daily Wisdom from Ernest Holmes,” February 5
I so believed that Spirit had a solution to my dilemma between spending an arm-and-a-leg on delivery charges and finding a way to transport a six-foot ladder in my four-door sedan. I took a deep breath and forged ahead.
I borrowed a tape measure from yet another employee, turned the back seats down, and took measurements. The ladder would fit, with about four inches to spare in the length, although I wasn’t quite sure about clearance in a certain section of the trunk. That same employee, although not in the ladder department, helped me get one down from the bay onto a shopping cart, and reminded me to ask for loading help when I checked out at the register. I didn’t think they’d provide any such help! I was so grateful that man mentioned it! [This stuff is all so new for me in case you didn’t guess!]
Well, to shorten this adventure a bit, the ladder made it into the car, but is now wedged in and I will need assistance to get it out. Nevertheless, it is in my possession—yay! My next strategy is to reach out for help with a man I’ve been doing some volunteer work with who lives in my ‘hood.
I really am willing to ask for help, something I’ve had to learn. And, I’ve also discovered that many people really want to be of service. Life can be so challenging without a partner, local friends, or family to ask for help. But I so believed in the Power of God during this shopping excursion, and continue to do so, knowing that I’ll be breathing cleaner air in my home in the near future!
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